Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Dialogue Journals # 1

To Keisha:
Steffie21 said...
I am jumping in the Dialogue journal with you, d, and maybe genesis okay??? well okay. You have no choice.. hah And guess what!??!? You always have something to say about everything.. especially this book. But look over my web page, and comment.. and i will get back to you.But your page is really good, your information is well placed, and i like the effort a lot.. so keep up the work as we dwindle down in this project!!!Love ya sweets!

From Keisha:

Kiesha07 said...
Whats up Steff! I guess I will allow you in the dialogue conversation with us... So what did you think of the book?... I thought the book was okay... I really didn't have no particular favorite part in the book. It didn't really excite me,you know! Reading this book was more hard and depressing than our regional game in basketball. I think after this I am done with reading books for life

To Keisha:
Steffie21 said...
Hey Keesh---- Well yeah, the book was okay i guess, but nothing was more depressing than the Regional game. And even though the book had a real whack ending, it was not all that bad to read. Spark notes you know helped it along. And i do not think that you shouldn't read books anymore. Some books are really really good!!! And sometimes you just have to deal with the bad ones. So just be happy it is over, and this project is almost over with too. So no worries, and we got you.

Love ya much peaches!

1 comment:

Kiesha07 said...

Whats up Steff! I guess I will allow you in the dialogue conversation with us... So what did you think of the book?... I thought the book was okay... I really didn't have no particular favorite part in the book. It didn't really excite me,you know! Reading this book was more hard and depressing than our regional game in basketball. I think after this I am done with reading books for life.